Adding a new meter

Meters must be added and configured from the Wibeee Nest mobile App. You cannot configure the meter from the web platform.

When the meter's LEDs (red and blue) are blinking alternately, the system is generating a WiFi network so we can connect to it and start the configuration.

What do the LEDs on the meter indicate?

Adding a new device

  1. Select the space to install the system and click Add new device from the Spaces menu or from the Edit space screen.


2. Select the device model to install from the list of devices.

If multiple meters are to be installed in a single space, you should first register the device that monitors overall consumption for the space.

If you can’t identify your meter from the list, you can check the homepage


3. On the installation help screen, if the meter has already been installed click Yes to access the settings. Otherwise, click No for an interactive step-by-step guide to installing the meter in the installation.

4. Access mobile or tablet Settings and connect to the WIBEEE_XX:XX:XX WiFi network, the Xs correspond to the last 6 characters of the device's MAC. Return to Wibeee NEST and click Next.

5. On the meter's Settings screen, enter a name for the meter and a power limit target in W.

6. If the configuration is done from the Settings screen, indicate the space where you want to add the device. If the installation is done from the Spaces screen, the space where the configuration has been started will appear by default.

7. In the WiFi Settings section, select the WiFi network to connect the meter to and enter the password(1). If the network is not listed, click Scan WiFi.

Frequent questions when registering a meter

8. Finally, click Create device and wait for the blue LED on the meter to stop blinking.

Questions Configuration / Installation Wibeee

What do the LEDs on the meter indicate?

Installation requirements

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Need more help?

If you are unable to complete any of these steps or if you need any further assistance, please contact Wibeee Technical Support.